Subject Information
Visual Art at Junior Cycle is a three-year programme that provides students with a skill set to enhance both their personal attitudes as well as their ability to get a sense of the aesthetic. It is practically based engagement in three areas art, craft and design. Within those disciplines each student will develop their self- confidence, imagination, and creativity.
Art in Senior Cycle has been overhauled to reflect more of the content and structure of Visual Art at Junior Cycle. The new syllabus allows for a wide range of media to be explored, from the fine arts such as sculpture, drawing, and painting, to puppet-making, embroidery, calligraphy, metalwork, and pottery.
Every student will be encouraged and expected to take every opportunity within the course to practice and develop their skills in several of these areas.
Department Members
Louise Gilmartin
Edel Crowe
Peter O'Hanlon
Why Study Art?
As a practical subject, Art is very much hands on, working with many different materials and mediums. Art at Post Primary level is seen very much as a steppingstone into the much wider areas of artistic endeavours such as Fine Art Painting, Sculpture or Printmaking. The subject also can lead to a careen in the Design field, specialising in areas such as fashion, graphic, interior or furniture design. Self-expression through Art is also an excellent way to develop self-confidence and cultural awareness.
Is Art a good choice?
Students that are considering Art as a course of study should read these pointers as it may help:
To study Art at 3rd Level, be it in any of the Design disciplines as well as formal Art studies then it would be vital to take Art.
If self-expression using drawing, sketching or simply doodling is a passion, then choosing Art may be something that would really enhance that aspect of your nature.
Art demands patience, dedication, a good work ethic and a desire to bring a piece of work to completion.
Career Sectors
Studying Art will help to develop and enhance a range of skills that would be particularly useful in the follow areas of further study and career choices: